Provoking active ways of learning

At the Personal Learning Environment conference PLE 2013 in Berlin we presented first results of the validation process around the development of the Technology Enhanced Textbook. For those who couldn´t visit the conference: here you find the article and the slides of our presentation. More information about the project find at and on the english pages of our homepage


The article

Technology Enhanced Textbook – Provoking active ways of learning from Wolfgang Neuhaus


The slides

Technology Enhanced Textbook – Provoking active ways of learning from Wolfgang Neuhaus


Video: Building a glass organ



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2 Antworten zu „Provoking active ways of learning“

  1. Hans Dampf

    Zur Folie 35 der Slides: Fallen nicht RSS-Feeds immer mehr als Medium aus dem „Gebrauch“ heraus, insbesondere weil sich über diese so schlecht Werbung als Beiprodukt publizieren lässt?

  2. wneuhaus

    Ist das Kunst oder kann das in den SPAM-Ordner?

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